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On the show this week, well, they went ahead and did it! Despite warnings of the dire impact sent directly to the CEO’s desk, Sonos released new versions of their apps, and a brand new web app. In a staggering display of how to throw a reputation on the bonfire, not only are these apps atrocious from an accessibility point of view, there are a lot of angry sighted customers too because key functionality has vanished. Sonos response was to call it “courageous”. There’s plenty of coverage and reaction this week.

Our global audience offers a range of perspectives on what it’s like to follow commentaries of sports events when they are at the venue.

A listener asks, now that Android keeps improving, would I seriously look at switching?

Canada’s federal Parliament has recently been hearing testimony about what it’s like to travel with Canadian Airlines as a disabled person. We look at this situation from a blindness perspective as we listen to the testimony from David Lepofsky. This topic keeps coming up, because it’s a global problem. Do feel free to share your own experiences.

We’ll also talk more about those great new Zoom recorders.


All this, and a lot more, in Living Blindfully 281. Our show is special because of all the contributions we receive from around the world, so don’t hesitate to be a part of it.