• The most informative pod cast for the blind community in the world today!
    May 20, 2024 by Jim from Gainesville FL from United States

    Excellent inform audience contributions and impartial.

  • Very informative podcast
    February 19, 2024 by Hotshot 3 from United States

    This is an excellent podcast. Thanks for all you do.

  • Mosen at Large Podcast: a Winner:
    November 28, 2023 by Old man Mose from United States

    This is a wonderful, entertaining and greatly beneficial podcast. Jonathan is tech savvy and enthusiastic in sharing his knowledge with everyone. He is respectful of those with differing views. Jonathan works tirelessly to produce an entertaining, educational informative podcast. Mr. Mosen is a sincere, intelligent, kind and helpful advocate for the blind community. Listen and you will learn. I promise. Roy Nash Little Rock, Arkansas

  • Johnathans outstanding podcast
    April 30, 2023 by worm1000 from Australia

    I wish to post a review regarding Johnathans podcast. Jonathan puts so much time and energy in to producing this podcast for the blind community and for those who are interested in the blind community as a whole. Jonathan provides many reviews contributions from the blind community and an overall an outstanding podcast. If you have not listened to Johnathans podcast, I urge you to subscribe and consider becoming a plus member of the podcast. Thank you Jonathan for all that you do for the blind community.

  • Time well spent!
    September 3, 2022 by Geno J from United States

    I enjoy this podcast! It’s very thought-provoking! Jonathan typically can share others views without necessarily stamping his own view unless he really sees fit. Other than the branding, this is a great podcast for anyone to dive into!

  • Informative and well produced
    July 30, 2022 by JJPG52106889 from United Kingdom

    A must for anyone who is blind and who wishes to keep up with everything from accessible technology to thoughts and opinions on topics that affect the blind community. There is a high level of involvement from listeners too.

  • Message From Philippe Bouchard To Mosin At Large!!!
    June 16, 2022 by The Blind Buddy! from Canada

    Hello Jonathan, I’m Philippe Bouchard and I am from Clair New-Brunswick Canada and I am a very huge huge fan of your Pod Cast and of you as well and I am totally blind!!!!! But I am still so thrilled to be using some Assistives Technology like with Windows and I O S and to be using Jaws, N V D A, Narator and Voice Over and let’s not forget Siri, Alexa and Google!!!! So SO Cool!!!!! It is very very cool to be using all of this Technology today and I don’t have any regrets at all with all of that!!!!!!! By the way, to you and to all of your listeners out there, I just wnat to mention that I got some Youtube Videos on both of my Two Youtube Chanals and that I love playing some music so so much and I am slowly beginning slowly beginning my journey of doing some Pod Casting with Voice Recorder on my Windows Desk Top and I want to learn how to do some Audio Recordings with Audacity or with Reeper and I am still learning all of these Keyboard Short Cuts with confidence and trust!!!! So, Keep On The Good Work Jonathan and Hope we can chat together soon if you want!!!! Thank You So Much!!!!! OXOXO!!!! @Philippe Bouchard (Blind YouTuber, Facebooker, Musician, Future Pod Caster and also a very huge huge fan of Assistives Applications And Assistives Apps And Technology For All People)!!!! By the way, you can just simply write my name: Philippe Bouchard and both of my Two Youtube Pages will be there for sure my friend!!!!! Good Job!!!!

  • Excellent podcast
    August 13, 2021 by champas1 from Australia

    My name is Julie Sutherland and I live in Adelaide, Australia. As a totally blind person I love listening to your podcast. They are very informative keep up the excellent work

  • BeingGrown-upAbout being blind
    July 6, 2021 by belyndye from United Kingdom

    I discoveredThisPodcastDuring thePandemic whilst looking for Technology advice and still listen because of the incredibly mature and insightful perspectives and opinions of Jonathan. He treats all topics as valid discussions of having an equal life as a visually impaired person. His embracing of the social model of disability is made manifest in every area of the podcast. It may not be the first podcast to listen to for a newly visually impaired person but it certainly should be recommended listening for anyone who believes that they are equal and valid rather than impaired and disabled. Keep up the good work! It’s fantastic to hear from people all over the world as someone who is living in the UK. Congratulations.

  • What’s that sound? Intelligence!
    March 10, 2021 by Stockpacer from United States

    Every time the Alice B. Toklas met a genius, she heard the sound of a bell. Sadly, she only heard three bells in her life. But if you listen to this show, you can hear Jonathan Mosen’s intelligence loud and clear. The show covers a wide range of tech topics, like Braille devices, mics, headphones, and the newest technology of interest to members of the blind and visually disabled communities. Even if you are sighted, as I once was, you will learn a lot from the advice offered by Jonathan and his listeners. I have picked up some great products because of the show— everything from keyboards to oven gloves. Jonathan takes on difficult topics within the blind community, like dating and the sorry way some blind people are infantilized by institutions or not given a shot at jobs. It’s not that I agree with him about everything. I appreciate Jonathan‘s gentle good humor that avoids the Neanderthal pitfalls of some of the competing shows that try too hard to be funny, usually at the expense of women. Finally, he treats listeners kindly, no matter what their views.

  • A very LARGE podcast.
    March 8, 2021 by Blind Boy Drewid from Canada

    Welcoming and wonderfully informative. I learned something new each time I listen. I never disagree with Jonathan… Except when I do. Fun perspectives.

  • Clubhouse
    March 5, 2021 by Steve JLL from United Kingdom

    Beautifully done every step of the way.

  • Wonderful, Interactive Podcast!
    March 1, 2021 by laurelj73 from United States

    I always find the "Mosen At Large" Podcast and interactive Live show to be educational, entertaining, inspiring and motivational. Jonathan Mosen is a gracious host who treats all of us who contribute with dignity and respect, welcoming written and recorded questions and comments from blind people around the world, on all walks of life. Thanks, Jonathan, for sharing your time and your knowledge so generously.

  • A community leader that puts his money where his mouth is!
    February 28, 2021 by Mike C in Orlando from United States

    I have been listening to Jonathan since at least the year 2001. He is an amazing host, debater, an overall awesome person! We do not always agree on all points, we are from different cultures, different religious backgrounds, and different political backgrounds, but I can tell you one thing, I have never witnessed a more tolerant host. As a member of the blind community, I think Jonathan is one of the pillars that we all lean on when we need a better understanding and balanced view point of all things blind. His opinions are valuable, insightful, and sometimes challenging. We don’t always agree, but I always come away learning something and I feel that I am a better person for it. Thank you Jonathan! You are a blessing to those of us that listen to you, and we appreciate your selfless efforts in contributing to our community and it’s progress. Keep up the great work

  • Wonderful podcast
    February 28, 2021 by arkpast from United States

    Excellent podcast! Host is knowledgeable, tech savvy, helpful and entertaining. Carolyn Nash Little Rock

  • Mosen at Large Podcast: a Winner:
    February 28, 2021 by Old man Mose from United States

    This is a wonderful, entertaining and greatly beneficial podcast. Jonathan is tech savvy and enthusiastic in sharing his knowledge with everyone. He is respectful of those with differing views. Jonathan works tirelessly to produce an entertaining, educational informative podcast. Mr. Mosen is a sincere, intelligent, kind and helpful advocate for the blind community. Listen and you will learn. I promise. Roy Nash Little Rock, Arkansas

  • Love this poscast!!!
    February 27, 2021 by IowaPam from United States

    This podcast is not only informative, but very enjoyable as well. Thanks for all of your time and effort in putting this together for us. It is very much appreciated!!! Pam Quinn

  • Thought Provoking
    February 27, 2021 by Changeling Mx from United States

    I don’t always agree with the views expressed on this show, but it is thought provoking. I enjoy the many variations in views found on this show, rather than the us and them mentality expressed on social media and on American news. If I’m going to make the time to listen to something, I should get something out of it, and I do.

  • Awesome podcast.
    February 27, 2021 by BigBadBat from United States

    I have been listening to this dude for years and he has always been informative and entertaining.

  • Great podcast
    February 27, 2021 by Serrebi from Canada

    I listen live a lot, but the podcast version is awesome

  • Better than the best
    November 22, 2020 by Viickey from India

    This podcast by Jonathan Mosen is fun, informative and most importantly has premium audio quality. I genuinely enjoy consuming Mosen at Large every Sunday. Kudos to Jonathan for putting in so much effort to roll out such premium audio quality podcast.

  • Disappointing with reduced audio quality
    September 12, 2020 by HawkEye2015 from United States

    First of all this is an awesome show with excellent content. However it is gotten less pleasant to listen to as I noticed this week the recent episode in the second weekend of September seems to have a reduced audio quality from previous episodes this makes the sound harder to listen through even though I listen to the whole podcast and annoying at best. I am using the Apple podcasts app on the iPhone. I usually listen to the show and it’s entirety via Podcasts and feels that the audio is reduced as of this most recent episode. If this continues I will find it obnoxious and would likely prefer not to listen as much. Please let the listeners know if anything can be done. I know that the clarity isn’t as good and if listening with any kind of hearing impairment it makes things a little harder to understand.

  • Great Podcast
    September 4, 2020 by FatimaHamoud10 from Canada

    Are you thinking of listening to the Mosen At Large podcast? It’s very nice. I like it so much. I recommend this podcast to anyone who wants to learn about technology and other things that Jonathan does in his life.

  • Very good podcast
    October 7, 2018 by Kushal Solanki from Australia

    Keep up the good work very good podcasts

  • Great show
    October 28, 2017 by Almoos from Canada

    Jonathan provides a good perspective, has excellent guests, and asks good questions.

  • Always look forward to this.
    October 17, 2017 by Mic name? What nick name from United Kingdom

    I love this podcast. Its enjoyable, thought provoking, and I just want to keep listening. Many thanks.

  • The blind side
    September 27, 2017 by gazzaodMr. from United States

    Always a fascinating listen

  • Great podcast for all blind folk
    September 21, 2017 by Lindon506 from United States

    Jonathan Mosen has been long known in the blind community. In fact, he is an international celebrity of sorts. This podcast is directed to persons who are blind and those who are interested in learning about technology for the blind. Although, it doesn't stop there. Listen and enjoy!!!! but, they also help

  • Highly recommended
    September 20, 2017 by VOUser50 from New Zealand

    If you are interested in blindness related issues, whether it be technology or other subjects. I highly recommend this podcast.

  • Highly recommended
    September 20, 2017 by VOUser50 from New Zealand

    If you are interested in blindness related issues, whether it be technology or other subjects. I highly recommend this podcast.