Kia ora Mosen At Largers.


There’s a bit extra to tell you about this week, but it’s important. So are you sitting comfortably? You’ll know it’s time to turn the page, when Tinkerbell rings her little bell. Let’s begin now.


First, in case you’ve not already caught up with it, Mushroom Fm has changed where it streams from. That’s a bit like a terrestrial radio station changing frequency. For most people, you won’t need to do a thing. But if you listen on a computer or phone with a player that’s a bit out of the ordinary, some action might be required. You’ll need to do it before this weekend’s show by which time the old server will not be active. Read all about it, in plain language by going to


Next, I’m very excited to let you know that there are now more places for you to tune in live to Mosen At Large. We now have a Mosen At Large YouTube channel where we’ll be broadcasting the show live. You can subscribe to Mosen At Large on YouTube here.


Also, we’re streaming live from now on to the Mosen At Large Facebook page. You’ll be able to comment as you listen from both YouTube and Facebook, and the cool thing is that since I’ll schedule the stream in advance, you’ll be able to subscribe to be reminded when it goes live. We will of course continue to be on Mushroom FM.


The aim here is that we want to be where the people are, so we get a wide range of views and contributions.


Whew! With all that amazing news out of the way, what’s on the show this week? Well, a brief comment from one of our listeners has already prompted some very interesting discussion about blind people dating. I realise this can be a personal subject, so if you’d like to write a contribution on it and don’t want your name read out, just let me know in the subject or the first line of the message. You have my word that I will honour your confidentiality request. If we feel safe to talk about this openly, I think we’ll get a fascinating range of experiences and perspectives.


What are some of the challenges you’ve had dating as a blind person, or has it been an easy experience for you? Have you tried online dating? How did you handle issues like including a photo, and whether and when to disclose your blindness or vision impairment?


Do you think the dynamics of a relationship where there are two blind people are different from those where one person is blind and the other sighted? Would you rule out dating a blind person, or a sighted person and if so why? Does gender make a difference?


There are all kinds of really interesting questions here and I hope we can hear a range of experiences. Of course, if you are living happily ever after and want to tell us how you met the love of your life, I would love that, I’m a romantic softy at heart.


As well as that, there’s more on maths equipment of the past including putting it to rather unorthodox use, building the ideal computer for broadcasting, and much more.


Oh, and our feature interview? You won’t want to miss it. I’m joined by the highly talented Shelly Brisbin. We’ll learn a bit about her, and talk about her vast, informative resource, iOS Access for All, which has an update packed with the latest iOS 14 goodness.


As usual, there’s a wide array of blindness and technology topics from listeners on which you may like to comment once you hear them.


If you want to raise something new, you’re very welcome.


Getting your contributions in ahead of time leaves you free to hear the show, and gives me a chance to organise them all, so go for it. Please don’t be shy, I’d love to hear from you. To contribute, send an email with an audio attachment or just written down to Jonathan at, or call the listener line, +18646066736, that’s 1-864-60Mosen.


The best way to hear Mosen At Large is when it airs live and in full. Catch it on Mushroom FM, the Mosen At Large YouTube channel and the Mosen At Large Facebook page on Saturdays at 2 PM Eastern, that’s 7 PM in the UK. It will then be available in abridged form on the Mosen At Large podcast, available anywhere you get podcasts.


Thank you so much for listening and contributing to the show and see you soon for Mosen At Large.

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