Kia ora Mosen at Largers. Here’s what’s coming up in our next two-hour show that’s got the blind community talking.

This week, I’m speaking with Venkatesh Chari, the CEO of Orbit Research, and Adi Kushnir, the founder of AccessMind. Primarily, we’re discussing the Optima Braille Laptop, a device taking the community by storm following its announcement at CSUN. It’s not shipping until next year, and that means you have a chance to influence some aspects of the device. I’ll also talk with Venkatesh about Orbit Research in general. He has news of the OrbitSpeak and we talk about their Braille cell technology.

As a result of the Optima discussion, I am interested in whether navigation methodology is a factor for Braille users when they select a Braille display. I would not buy a device without thumb keys for example, because I’m a fast Braille reader and I don’t want to take my Braille reading fingers off the display to navigate. Do you agree or do you have a different preference?

We also have Windows podcast app recommendations, comments on well-being and diet, and a cool word processor recommendation that can among other things create ebooks for you.

There’s plenty more on the show as well. If you want to raise something new, you’re very welcome. Please don’t be shy, I’d love to hear from you. What makes Mosen At Large special is the global community we’ve built and all the perspectives we share with each other.

To contribute, send an email with an audio attachment or just written down to Jonathan at, or call the listener line, +18646066736, that’s 1–864–60Mosen.

Catch Mosen At Large anywhere you get podcasts. Expect the next episode to drop on Sunday morning New Zealand time.

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Thank you so much for listening and contributing to the show and see you soon for Mosen At Large.