Kia ora Mosen At Largers.


Looking forward to three interesting hours of discussion, information and entertainment once again. I guess you just never know when something’s going to go viral. My piece on blind pride last weekend has done that, and I have been deeply honoured to have had requests to publish it in newsletters and to be told it will be shared with students on various courses from now on. Thank you so much for all the feedback. We’ll have more on blind pride this week. Whether you feel it or not, if you would like to comment further on the subject, you’d be very welcome.


We’ll talk more about meet and assist at airports, particularly the question of whether to use a wheelchair if it’s offered to you and you don’t have a physical impairment. Some say it’s better to go with the flow and that it’s just easier. Others say that it’s wrong to accept an accommodation you don’t need and reenforces myths about blind people. What do you think? Have your say ahead of the show.


Twitter Spaces, Twitter’s social audio facility that competes with Clubhouse, is now available to more people. I’ll explain what it does, how it works and why you might want to use it. If you’ve hosted or been part of a Space already, what’s the verdict? Is it any good? Will it blow Clubhouse out of the water or do you think it falls short? How do you think these audio services will do as more people start returning to some degree of normality after the pandemic?


If you’re in the UK, you may be interested in what Sky Q can do. It’s a pretty accessible way to interact with your Sky subscription and Gordon Luke shows us how it works. Gordon just bought a Zoom F6, so there’s no stopping him now I tell you!


As usual, there’s a wide array of blindness and technology topics from listeners on which you may like to comment once you hear them.


If you want to raise something new, you’re very welcome.


Getting your contributions in ahead of time leaves you free to hear the show, and gives me a chance to organise them all, so go for it. Please don’t be shy, I’d love to hear from you. To contribute, send an email with an audio attachment or just written down to Jonathan at, or call the listener line, +18646066736, that’s 1-864-60Mosen.


The best way to hear Mosen At Large is when it airs live and in full. Catch it on Mushroom FM, either on the station itself or in the Mushroom FM club on Clubhouse, the Mosen At Large YouTube channel and the Mosen At Large Facebook page on Saturdays at 2 PM Eastern, that’s 7 PM in the UK. It will then be available in abridged form on the Mosen At Large podcast, available anywhere you get podcasts.


Thank you so much for listening and contributing to the show and see you soon for Mosen At Large.

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