Kia ora Mosen at Largers. Here’s what’s coming up in our next two-hour show that’s got the blind community talking.

It’s hard to believe that this is our 200th episode. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you take the time to listen and join in the conversation, and I’ll offer some reflections as we reach this milestone. Thank you so much for taking some of your valuable time to hear this little podcast.

I mentioned some months ago that New Zealand’s Braille Authority was surveying New Zealanders on their stance towards capitalising Braille when referring to the code. At its recent Annual General meeting, the Authority announced the results of that referendum and its response to them, and I have all the details for you this week.

There is a voluminous amount of Apple-related feedback from listeners this week as we catch up on your views of the new iPhones and iOS 16.

Some listeners chime in with some old assistive tech memories following my chat with David Andrews last week, while others tell us how they’re getting on with the Envision Smart Glasses.

Bonnie and I have had a lot of requests to share some travel stories following our recent European trip, and we do that on a super extended Bonnie Bulletin this week.

There’s plenty more on the show as well. If you want to raise something new, you’re very welcome. Please don’t be shy, I’d love to hear from you. What makes Mosen At Large special is the global community we’ve built and all the perspectives we share with each other.

To contribute, send an email with an audio attachment or just written down to Jonathan at, or call the listener line, +18646066736, that’s 1-864-60Mosen.

Catch Mosen At Large anywhere you get podcasts. Expect the next episode to drop on Sunday morning New Zealand time.

You can subscribe to Mosen at large anywhere you get your podcasts.

Thank you so much for listening and contributing to the show and see you soon for Mosen At Large.


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