Kia ora Mosen at Largers. Our amazing community has put together another informative, thought-provoking listen for you, and it’ll be in your podcast app this weekend. Here’s a sneak peak of what you can expect. And if you get in touch now, there’s still time to comment on these or any other issues that are on your mind.

I’m posting this promo message earlier in the week than normal because I am keen to get as many listener experiences as possible. Have you ever served on a jury? Have you been called up for jury duty but didn’t serve because you were challenged? If you served, what was the experience like for you? If you didn’t have the opportunity to serve, were questions asked about your blindness or the technology you might use? Please record or write your recollections down and send them into me as soon as possible, so I can include them on this week’s show.

This is a hot topic because in the United States, Senator Markey and Representative Porter have introduced the Disabled Jurors Nondiscrimination Bill. Jury service law reform was an issue I spent a lot of time advocating for in the 1990s here in New Zealand until the law was changed, so it’s a topic dear to my heart. The American Council of the Blind supports the passage of the legislation. In episode 177, I’ll speak with Clark Rachfal, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs for ACB. We’ll not only discuss this new bill, we’ll also talk about other issues of significance at the moment including the need for accessible medical equipment and tests, accessible voting, and just where are those accessible web and app standards the DOJ have been promising forever?

Whether it’s iOS or Android, many of us feel like these touchscreen-based devices have changed our lives. But they’re not for everyone, and I for one don’t want any barrier preventing any blind person from benefiting from technology. The Blindshell is one product catering to the market that prefers a physical keyboard to a touch screen. You may have heard reviews of the Blindshell Classic. Now, the Blindshell Classic 2 is out, boasting a more rugged design and improved functionality. Chris Gray presents part 1 of his comprehensive walkthrough in this week’s show.

We are often quick to have a wee rant when we get atrocious customer service. But last week I received such outstanding customer service that I wanted to share it with you.

There’s plenty more on the show as well. If you want to raise something new, you’re very welcome. Please don’t be shy, I’d love to hear from you. What makes Mosen At Large special is the global community we’ve built and all the perspectives we share with each other.


To contribute, send an email with an audio attachment or just written down to Jonathan at, or call the listener line, +18646066736, that’s 1-864-60Mosen.


Catch Mosen At Large anywhere you get podcasts. Expect the next episode to drop on Sunday morning New Zealand time.


Thank you so much for listening and contributing to the show and see you soon for Mosen At Large.

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