As always, I’m very much looking forward to bringing you another episode of Mosen At Large, the show that’s got the blind community talking. We have a wide range of views, all of which are shared in a climate of respectful, quality discourse. It’s another eclectic and thought-provoking show this week and I welcome your contributions.


Some of our listeners have been kind enough to offer some great advice regarding last week’s contribution on how to stay in step with a cane.


We hear why it’s really important that you upgrade to the latest iOS 14 release as soon as possible.


There’s good news as Mike Calvo promises not to use the term “blind ghetto” again.


A listener points out some very bizarre and quite inexplicable pronunciations from US text-to-speech voices in iOS. Have you noticed any?


I came across my feature guest this week after reading an editorial piece she wrote. Shermeen Kahn is Canadian and of Pakistani descent. She went against her family’s preference that she marry someone of their own culture and married another blind person, because in her words, she feels she is “more blind than brown”. If you belong to multiple minority groups, such as being blind and a member of a racial minority or a religious faith that is important to you, does blindness take priority for you over other cultural attributes? Shermeen has some really thought-provoking things to say and I hope you find it as interesting as I did.


As usual, there’s a wide array of blindness and technology topics from listeners on which you may like to comment once you hear them.


If you want to raise something new, you’re very welcome. Please don’t be shy, I’d love to hear from you. What makes Mosen At Large special is the global community we’ve built and all the perspectives we share with each other.


To contribute, send an email with an audio attachment or just written down to Jonathan at, or call the listener line, +18646066736, that’s 1-864-60Mosen.


Catch Mosen At Large anywhere you get podcasts. Expect the next episode to drop on Sunday morning New Zealand time.


Thank you so much for listening and contributing to the show and see you soon for Mosen At Large.

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