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On the show this week, thanks to an excellent listener contribution, we talk some more about when to advocate for change, when to let it go, and when to leave it to someone else. My contention remains that the one thing we should not do is assume that the outcome we want will just magically occur. Effective advocacy is a critical topic and I look forward to others’ thoughts on it.

Since the announcement of the Optima last year, which is a Braille device based on the modular Framework technology, there’s been a lot of interest in the blind community regarding how good these devices really are. This week, two listeners share their direct experience of what it’s like to own and work with one.

Many people love using emojis! 😊 Some people love overusing emojis! 😦 Robin Christopherson is a big emoji fan. 🙌 So how do you use emojis efficiently and effectively on your Windows or mac? 🖥️ 🤔 Robin will show you how. 🎙️


Do you know anything about crypto? I don’t, and a listener is interested to know about accessible crypto options. Maybe you can help.

You may have picked up some of the enthusiastic chatter about the Seleste Glasses. This young company is producing their own smart glasses and including AI features in the software. Their subscription model means it costs little to get started, but there is a recurring monthly fee. We learn all about the glasses and the company.


All this and much more in Living Blindfully 265. 👏