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Listeners have responded to a request for accessible smart TV recommendations by suggesting several viable products. If you use and like an accessible TV, be sure to have your say and tell us what you like about it. And if you’re in the market for one, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode.

There’s more on the question about the best brand, and type, of cane to buy. And when you have one, how do you use it? Are you a swiper or a tapper, or does it vary depending on where you are?

I’m pleased to say that once again there is plenty on Braille this week as we talk more about the Monarch, the Mantis, and try to find a charger for a EuroBraille device. But the feature item this week is also about Braille. If you think that the differences between Braille displays are quite minor, then let me introduce you to the new Activator from Help Tech. Help Tech products have a reputation as the Cadillac of Braille displays and have a price to match. But this innovative new device has some great features. I sat down at the NFB convention to get my hands on one, sadly I had to give it back, and to talk with Sigi Kipke from Help Tech along with Damian Pickering from Dream Vision, the US distributor.

You’ll probably want a cup of coffee after all that, so we have a demo of an accessible coffee maker.

Plus, Bonnie and I are planning a magical mystery tour.

All this and much more in episode 242 of Living Blindfully.