Here are the topics covered in this episode, and the time in the file for each.

Welcome to 282 [0:00]
A lot is about to change in our lives thanks to ChatGPT 4O [2:26]
Sonos comments on recent accessibility regressions [11:35]
Listener comments on Sonos [19:11]
Essential Series button layout descriptions available [36:19]
the importance of blindness agencies leading by example when it comes to accessibility [37:21]
new hearing aids [43:07]
improving the quality of iPhone calls in challenging environments [52:23]
Judy Dixon, President of the International Council on English Braille, discusses their forthcoming General Assembly and Braille today [55:58]
Interview with Yalim Gerger, creator of [1:14:09]
A demonstration of [1:44:49]
Closing and contact info [2:02:14]