Here are the topics covered in this episode, and the time in the file for each.

Welcome to 278 [0:00]
In loving memory of Pauline Mosen [2:22]
Downloading from YouTube on iOS [10:17]
Looking for accessible real-time translation app [11:35]
Keeping access to Windows 10, and Zoom H Essential Recorders [13:25]
YouTube accessibility issue [18:31].684
Notetakers in the past, present and future [22:40]
Verifying identity online in the US [38:23]
Braille Sense notification that won’t go away [43:10]
Baseball commentary accessibility when at the venue [44:29]
The ARA device [48:27]
Blind people in wheelchairs at the airport [49:22]
Crossword puzzle apps that work with JAWS [54:48]
Mastodon versus Bluesky [55:38]
Dustin Boggus from the MyHomeKitHome podcast discusses home automation [1:01:30]
New hearing aids [1:40:11]
It is wrong to boycott Israeli assistive technology [1:47:02]
The Subtitle Reader add-on for NVDA [1:48:53]
Setting up complex medication schedules in Apple Health [1:50:31]
Sound Without Sight brings audio creative professionals together [1:51:44]
The BT Speak is excellent value for money [1:52:59]
Comments on episode 277 [1:57:27]
Closing and contact info [1:59:10]