It is my pleasure to have accepted an invitation from the National Federation of the Blind to speak at their national convention here in Houston Texas. Since arriving here last Friday, I’ve spoken to many interesting people, and you will hear those discussions on the podcast in the coming weeks.

I will be speaking at the General Session at approximately [9:40] AM Central US time on Thursday 6 july. That’s [3:40] PM in the UK, [2:40] AM in New Zealand on Friday morning. I am delivering a presentation entitled “Together Living Blindfully”. It is my hope that this presentation will widen a conversation about an issue I believe to be critical, and requiring decisive action. If you enjoy Living Blindfully, then I feel sure you will find this address of importance.

You can watch the presentation live by searching for the National Federation of the Blind’s YouTube channel. If you are unable to see it live, NFB makes the sessions available on-demand, and eventually, I’ll make the address available through Living Blindfully channels.

But I hope, if at all possible, you’ll join me live and then join in the conversation.

There are many other speakers on the Convention agenda, so I’m sure you’ll find the programme informative.

Learn more at