Kia ora Mosen At Largers. A reminder that this podcast is indexed by chapter. If you listen with a podcast client that offers chapter support, you can easily skip between segments.

Here are the topics covered in this episode, and the time in the file for each.


Jonathan interviewed on The Detail,[1:30]. You can search for The Detail in
any podcast app and subscribe there, or check out the episode

Feedback onChromebooks,[3:16]

How I use my EchoDot,[9:41]

Amazon removing Gmail and Microsoft email support for Alexa devices,[13:59]

Apple questions and comments,[16:10]

Games blind and sighted people can play together,[26:41]

Part 2 of our Chromebook and Chromevox review and demonstration,[35:09]

Scanning with smartphones,[1:23:59]

Sighted people crying over blindness,[1:26:26]

Smoke detectors and the Deaf or hearing impaired,[1:28:21]

Thoughts on good VPN options,[1:30:15]

The Bonnie Bulletin,[1:33:30]

Review of the Streamlets radio app for Apple Watch,[1:44:17]

Jump Desktop question,[1:47:32]

Encouraging research for those with Norries Disease and similar degenerative
hearing loss,[1:49:07]

Clubhouse has a music mode,[1:52:03]

Android comments,[1:54:29]

What’s the best barcode scanning app for iPhone?,[1:57:53]

Closing and contact info,[1:59:27]